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January 2022
Welcome to P.E.P. Talk dedicated to your
Physical, Emotional and Personal well-being.
Staying healthy, well and strong with
Brain, Body and Balance.
We are all in this together!

P.E.P. Talk is our Virtual Activities Program that will be sent monthly throughout the year. We hope that you enjoy these activities no matter where you are!
Please look for our one page weekly calendar and newsletter that will be sent every Wednesday from October through April.
In an effort to support our contactless environment the weekly updates will be            sent through email.
Health Benefits from Soaking in Natural Hot Springs

A hot mineral bath can do all of the following:

  • Promote better sleep
  • Promote weight loss
  • Destroy harmful germs
  • Increase blood circulation and cell oxygenation
  • Reduce pain
  • Promote relaxation
  • Support healing
  • Support the immune system
  • Detoxify the body
  • Prevent sickness and viruses

If you are lucky enough to be at Caliente Springs or Sky Valley right now please take advantage of all of the benefits of the natural springs water.
If you are not here we hope to see you soon!
No matter where you are don't forget to use warm water to warm up your muscles during these winter months and hydrate, stretch and move your body.

I hope everyone takes the time to look through all of the information included in this month's
P.E.P. Talk and use it to help take better care of you!
I look forward to hearing from you.  - Erin
Health Benefits of Natural Hot Springs Minerals

Mineral hot spring soaks are great medicine. There are many types of hot springs to enjoy. Depending on the spring, different minerals are dissolved in the water, giving it different health benefits, colors and smells. During a mineral hot springs soak, ionic minerals such as iron, zinc, sulphur, calcium, magnesium and lithium are absorbed by the body, correcting deficiencies and providing healing effects to various body organs.    
Each hot springs has its own healing effects due to its particular mineral mix.  Depending on the mineral water content your body absorbs the effects are different.

Tip: Many of these minerals can be purchased online or from health food stores and can be added to your bath or hot tub at home if a natural hot spring is not near by at this time.

This element helps maintain electrolyte balance and PH of body fluids and is essential for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which aids in protein digestion.

Sodium is an electrolyte that plays a crucial role in maintaining balance of positive and negative ions in body fluids.
• Helps maintain blood pressure levels.
• Vital components of nerves, blood and muscle.
• Plays a role in neuro-electrical transmission of cells.
• Assists in controlling mental apathy.

This is a trace mineral needed for healthy blood cells, organs, prostate, testicles and liver.
  • Slows the aging process of skin and organs.
  • Assists in treatment of muscular Dystrophy, cancer, immune system and Alzheimers.

This is a trace mineral essential for bone formation and connective tissue. It promotes healthy hair, skin, nails and arteries.

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is an electrolyte, thus it maintains the bodies fluid levels.
• Regulates blood pressure and heart function.
• Assists in controlling convulsions, migraines, allergies and alcoholism.
• Promotes faster healing of burns, cuts and bruises.

Nitrogen is a constituent of all living tissues and is an essential element for live, DNA and thus the genetic code.

This element is essential for proper utilization of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium. In combination with calcium it feeds the verves, aids in hair growth and helps counteract fatigue.
• As well as the above, it is important for regular functioning of the heart and normal kidney functioning.

Lithium is one of the most powerful sources available for mood disorders. Lithium shows up in water notably in springs and spas where in earlier times people “took the waters” bathing in and drinking the lithium rich water for its soothing effects.
• Active in promoting the formation of new brain cells (neurogenesis).
• Protects against neurodegenerative diseases including: manic depression and brain injury.
• Known for its calming effects.

This is a trace element essential for life, called the “brain mineral” due to its’ importance in the utilization of all mental/functions. It is also an important antioxidant.
• Thyroid and metabolism.
• Good for allergies, asthma, diabetes, fatigue and osteoporosis.
• Enzyme activation.

This element is essential for life and required for the formation of enzymes that release energy from food.
• Plays major role in metabolism of glucose.
• Strengthens muscles and verves, vital for the nervous system.
• Necessary for proper bone and teeth formation.
• Helps protect against cardiovascular disease and lowers high blood pressure.
• Important to neuromuscular transmission.

Iron is the oxygen-carrying component of the blood.
• Blood, bones skin and teeth.
• Hemoglobin production.
• Treats anemia, fatigue and menstrual problems.

Although an infamous substance, in small amounts it is actually beneficial to human health.
• Treats parasitic diseases.
• Used in treatment of certain types of blood cancer.
• Antibacterial.

This mineral is a major essential nutrient for humans and has numerous therapeutic uses.
• Plays a major role in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis.
• Involved in the metabolism of hormones, raising testosterone levels in men and regulates estrogen in women.
• Assists in building and repairing joints.
• Plays a role in brain function and cognitive performance.
• Helps prevent tooth decay.

This is a mineral that serves a major structural and physiological role in many metabolic processes.
• Bone and tooth formation.
• Heart rhythm and blood clotting.
• Nerve transmission.
• Foot/leg cramps.
• Menstrual and menopause issues.
• Helps prevent osteoporosis in women, promotes stronger tooth enamel and bones.
Hot and Cold Water and Your Body

Throughout time, people have recognized the health benefits of using hot and cold water to increase circulation throughout the body and improve overall health. Some people even take cold showers as a way to promote their health. It may seem like a shock to the system to be in water that is colder or hotter than you are used to, but both temperatures have their own advantages.

Effects of cold water. When you immerse your body in cold water or even take a cold shower, the colder temperature of the water improves circulation because the body reacts by pumping blood more efficiently. Blood helps bring more oxygen to the muscles and tissues, which can help relieve swelling and remove lactic acid. Improved circulation is good for the body overall, including the heart. Some athletes or fitness enthusiasts may use cold water or ice baths to help muscle tissue repair itself after finishing a workout.

Effects of hot water. There's a reason people enjoy soaking in the hot tub or taking a long hot shower — it's relaxing. Immersing the body in hot water can help relieve tension, stress and muscle pain. The temperature of the water also helps to increase circulation throughout the body, while being in water helps give your body a break from the effects of gravity.

Combining hot and cold. Alternating between hot and cold water can have therapeutic effects. You can move between a hot tub, saunas, steam room and showers while you relax, detoxify and rejuvenate.
Idea #1: Try An Ice Bath
Ice baths reduce inflammation and improve recovery by changing the way blood and other fluids flow through your body. When you sit or stand in cold water, your blood vessels constrict; when you get out, they dilate (or open back up). This process helps flush away metabolic waste.
Idea #2: Alternate The Temperature Of The Water You Are Drinking  

Drinking hot water on a hot day relieves the body of toxins due to increased sweating, leading to the release of toxins out of the body and purification of the bloodstream. After physical exertion you should drink cold water because it helps to cool the body more effectively than warm water.

Idea #3: Stretch In A Hot Bath,
Shower or Spa  
The warm water of a hot tub or swim spa can raise the temperature of your muscles,
helping to prepare them for stretching.
And the buoyancy allows you release tight muscles and lengthen the tissues
in ways that you can’t do on land.

10 Stretching Exercises for the Water

Half Moon Pose
Standing in your hot tub or swim spa, place your hands on your lower back. Elbows are bent and tucked in. Push the hips forward, lift the chest and look toward the sky if comfortable. Be sure to keep feet planted on the floor.

Straight Leg Stretch
Use the stairs of the hot tub and place a foot up, leg straight but not locked. Keep a slight bend in the knee. Lean gently forward. Hold and repeat on the other leg.

Trunk Twist
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and bring arms out to the side. Rotate to one side and look over your shoulder, if it’s comfortable.
Rotate slowly to the other side.

Hamstring Stretch
Sitting in the hot tub or standing in a swim spa, lengthen one leg out in front of you. Flex the foot toward your shin. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping the spine neutral. Switch sides.

Upper Back Stretch
Give yourself a hug! Seated or standing, wrap your arms and try to touch your shoulder blades with your fingertips.

Chest Stretch
Keeping a soft bend in the elbow, bring the arms in front of you so that they form a circle. Create space between the shoulder blades and have a slight C-shape in the spine. Swim the arms back, squeezing the shoulder blades together, and lift your chest.

Ankle Circles
You can do this stretch whether you are seated in the hot tub or standing a swim spa. Extend your leg and make a circle with your foot. Switch directions. Repeat on the other leg.

Quad Stretch
Standing near a wall in the hot tub or swim spa, bend your knee and bring your heel toward your bottom. Gently hold your ankle with your hand. Bring the leg back and push the hips forward.

Knee Hugs
Seated or standing, lift your knee toward your chest and use one or both hands to bring it closer to your body. This stretch feels great on the hips!

Toes on the Wall
Heel of a foot is a few inches from the wall of the hot tub. Place your toes on the wall. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other foot.
12 Easy Ways To Reduce Inflammation Overnight
The subject of inflammation is everywhere and the hype is for good reason. Not only can adopting an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle reduce chronic inflammation to help you stay healthy and slow down aging, but research also suggests it can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune diseases, joint pain and cancer.
Best part? You don’t have to wait for months or years to start seeing results and feeling better!  Small changes you make today can start reducing your inflammation overnight.
Here’s what to do ASAP to start reaping the health benefits.

Eat a Salad Everyday (See A Great Recipe Below)
Keep a package or two of leafy greens on hand to toss in your lunch bag or on your dinner plate. Having a cup of leafy greens—like baby spinach, arugula, kale, or lettuce—each day is one of the most beneficial diet habits you can adopt. These leafy greens offer an anti-inflammatory double-punch, thanks to antioxidants and bioactive compounds that reduce inflammation and prevent free radicals from creating new inflammation.

Avoid Getting Too Hungry
Skip the vending machine and sweetened coffee drinks, and opt instead for a fiber-rich snack with a little protein like apple slices and peanut butter, raw veggies and hummus, or a few almonds and cheese cubes. The reason is that eating a balanced snack without added sugars and refined carbs is key to keeping blood sugar within normal parameters, which in turn helps you avoid cravings, hunger, and irritability. Not only is this nicer for those around you, but avoiding peaks and drops in blood sugar also prevents inflammation in the body that can lead to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Go To Bed
Turn off Netflix, get off social media and head to bed a little earlier. While it may seem a little indulgent, getting 7 to 8 hours of continuous sleep is what’s considered adequate for adults and we should all aim for that as our norm. Routinely not getting enough sleep (6 hours or less) triggers inflammation.

Go For A Walk
Missed your workout today? Take a quick walk around the block! While regular exercise is ideal for treating and preventing most all health issues, some days there’s not enough time for a full-blown workout. Getting just 20 minutes of movement reduces inflammatory blood markers.
So, lace up your shoes and get going!

Spice Things Up
Look for ways to add a little garlic or spice when you’re cooking dinner tonight. Fragrant and pungent spices seem like they would have the potential to aggravate inflammation, but research suggests they actually do the opposite. In fact, there’s evidence to suggest incorporating garlic, or herbs and spices such as turmeric, rosemary, cinnamon, cumin, ginger and fenugreek, decreases inflammation that could eventually lead to heart disease, brain degenerative conditions, cancer and respiratory issues.

Take A Break From Alcohol
If you like having a nightly cocktail or glass of wine, consider abstaining for a few days. This doesn’t have to be long-term, but cutting out alcohol briefly (while making other anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle changes) helps the body calm down and reduce existing inflammation. While research suggests that moderate alcohol consumption offers some benefits, the problem is that it’s easy to cross the line from beneficial and anti-inflammatory to harmful and inflammatory.

Swap One Coffee For Green Tea
If you drink 1 to 3 cups of coffee or other caffeinated drinks a day, consider swapping one of those for a cup of green tea instead. Green tea leaves are packed with polyphenol compounds, which can help reduce free radical damage to stop further inflammation. Studies suggest that regularly drinking green tea can help reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and joint conditions.

Be Gentle To Your Gut
There’s lots of hype around probiotics, but are you supporting those good microbes already living in you? Protect those existing good bacteria by cutting out added sugars, trans fats, and focusing on choosing primarily whole and minimally processed foods. It’s also worth consuming probiotic-rich foods—such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, or kimchi—every single day.

Consider A Fast
Research continues to find benefits when it comes to intermittent fasting (IF), largely due to the anti-inflammatory effects the eating pattern induces. There are several ways to approach fasting, but an easy way to start is with a 12-hour fast. This means if you finish dinner at 7 p.m., then you only consume water or black coffee until 7 a.m. the next day. Studies suggest regularly doing IF may reduce heart disease risk and improve insulin sensitivity, brain health and inflammatory bowel disease.
Cut Out Dairy And Gluten (Temporarily)
Dairy and gluten are not usually inflammatory in healthy individuals (unless you have an allergy, intolerance, or celiac disease), but they can be irritating when there’s already existing inflammation. Some people may find it beneficial to cut out dairy, gluten, or both for a few weeks. The thought is that this gives the body time to “calm down.” After which, you can slowly start to incorporate dairy or gluten-containing foods to see if they cause any irritation.

Chill Out
No matter how healthy your diet, low-grade inflammation isn’t going away if stress levels run continuously high. And even if stress isn’t too much of daily problem, learning how to manage and cope when it does occur is key for preventing new inflammation. Finding healthy ways to escape that stress—for example, by practicing yoga, meditating, or taking a short walk—provides quick relief psychologically and anti-inflammatory effects physiologically.

Be Picky About Ingredients
Additives, dyes, preservatives, and other ingredients regularly added to foods all have the potential to trigger or aggravate inflammation—particularly if you have a weaker gut barrier—so take a look at the ingredient list on products in your pantry and fridge. Are the ingredients listed what you might use if making the food from a recipe at home? If yes, then this is likely a minimally processed product and a good choice. If not, opt for another brand or substitute when shopping next time.
Anti-Inflammatory Salad
Transform a bag of Sweet Kale Salad Mix into a power packed Anti-Inflammatory Salad in minutes with only a few ingredients.
Gluten free and vegan.
  • 24-28 oz bag Sweet Kale Salad Mix and nut/seed and dried fruit packet included*
  • 1 1/2 c fresh blueberries
  • 16 oz cooked beets quartered or chopped
Tumeric Dressing
  • 1/3 c extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
  • 1 TBSP lemon juice
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 clove garlic, grated
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  1. Mix or shake together dressing ingredients. You can also blend them together if you want a smooth dressing.
  2. Divide salad mix between bowls, top with beets, blueberries, and the nut/seed mixture.
  3. Serve or drizzle with dressing.
  4. Enjoy!

Tip:  Get the 28oz Eat Smart bag from Costco, or use 2 12oz bags of Eat Smart or Trader Joe's Sweet Kale Salad Mix.
You will use the included nut/seed and dried fruit packet that comes with the salad but not the dressing packet.
All links below will take you directly to a free website
Old Time Rock 'n' Roll - Legends In Concert 1h:04m

Some of the biggest Rock and Roll stars are united on this mesmerizing compilation. Recorded at the Rock and Roll Palace, artists who performed include Brian Hyland with 'Ginny Come Lately,' 'The Dovells' with 'The Bristol Stomp, Del Shannon with 'Runaway' and many more.
Fitness and Wellness Option

Lower Back Stretch In the Spa
Take Dr. Weil's Free Anti-Inflamatory Diet Quiz
At the end it will ask for your email. Press SKIP below the request at the end of the quiz and it will give you your results immediately.

When a girl is given a horse that has been deemed useless, she finds purpose in a world that has lost its shine. With a renewed hope in life since losing her mom, she clings to the one thing she still has: barrel racing.

Written and Directed by Josiah Burdick Starring Brooke Wilson, Mark Bracich, Rinnan Henderson

Locals Only

Welcome to the Coachella Valley's locals only recommendations for you.         This is a list of local businesses, excursions and happenings throughout           the desert. They can be experienced as a single event or group them         together to customize your own adventures and day trips.
     Some local businesses are currently closed or have limited hours due to COVID restrictions in Riverside County.
Please visit each website to confirm the days and hours of each location.

Cabot's Pueblo Museum
Local Tip:  Make sure to get tickets in advance if you want the guided tour.  Lots of history, artwork and artifacts in this historic house museum. Highly recommended.

Local tip:  Their docent lead guided hikes are worth your time.  They are complimentary and do not require a reservation. Exploring the Ecology of a Fault Line Oasis is a favorite!
Local tip:  Tickets should be purchased in advance.  Plan to spend some time there looking at the art, gift shop and relaxing in their hammock garden.  
Pioneer Town
Local tip:  A great spot to eat after visiting the Integratron, Pioneer Town or Joshua Tree.
Joshua Tree
Local tip:  The Sunnyland Cafe has a small, but delicious, menu for a light lunch or snack.  The views from the patio are spectacular.
Palm Springs Village Fest
Local tip:  The 2nd Sunday and every Thursday from 4pm-8pm have free admission.  The Village Fest is also on Thursdays and within walking distance of the museum.
Local tip:  Every shake is accessorized with a small frosted donut and never disappoints.  Also walking distance from the Art Museum and Village Fest.
Local tip:  Small Palm Springs business with vegan and non vegan options with flavors like Rosemary and Turmeric-Ginger.  It's an experience like no other!
Palm Springs Air Museum
Local tip:  You need to get tickets in advance and tickets sell out in season.  Getting one of the times earlier in the morning helps with parking and wait times.
College of the Desert Street Fair
Local tip: The Living Desert has one of the best hikes in the Coachella Valley.  There are three separate loops that offer a telescope to view the San Andreas Fault, picnic tables and plenty of plants and views of the Sonoran Desert.
Local tip:  They are known for their famous date shakes but Shields has a cafe, a walk, a theatre and large gift shop.  Plan to stay and see it all.  It is worth it!
McCallum Theatre
Indian Wells Tennis Garden
(Home of the National Pickleball Tournament and BNP Paribas
Celebrity Tours
Red Jeep Tours

Please share your ideas and feedback with Erin at:
We look forward to hearing from you!

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