Welcome to your Summer P.E.P.Talk dedicated to your
Physical, Emotional and Personal well-being
Summer 2022 June - September
Welcome to our Summer Health and Fitness Schedule
Our summer calendar will be sent:
June 1st July 1st August 1st September 1st
Our health and fitness team will return in September to continue to plan our 2022 - 2023 season. Our first weekly newsletter will be the week of September 28th - October 4th.
Our monthly P.E.P. Talk will continue to be sent on the last Monday of the month.
We hope everyone has a safe and fun summer.
Your Health and Fitness Team, Celeste, Stephanie, Bob and Erin
Please see the following information from our maintenance team as we all prepare for our summer heat.
Next week we will be performing preventative maintenance on our SVW and SVE electrical systems. We expect the power to go off at about 6:30 am and be off for 8 to 10 hours.
Sky Valley East will be down 6/8/22
Sky Valley West will be down 6/9/22
Please don't forget to scroll all the way to the bottom
of the newsletter for more fun summer events
throughout the Coachella Valley
Resort Photo Album
Happy Memorial Day From Caliente Springs
Thank you Nancy, Barb, Steve and all of the volunteers that help support this fun event
Photo credits: Nancy Loos and Barb
Summer Resort Activities
Summer Golf
Health and Fitness
Functional Fitness Movements
Balance, Strength, Flexibility & Range of Motion
These overall body exercises can be done anywhere without any equipment
Squats and Lunges
Too easy add some free weights
Too hard stabilize on a chair, counter or wall
Push Ups and Dead Bugs
Too easy move your push ups to a counter top or the floor
Too easy add some light hand weights or ankle weights to your dead bugs
General Information
Leisure And Lifestyle
The Coachella Valley offers summer events throughout the local area. Hiking trails are open and a great option in
those cool morning hours.
Our local restaurants and bars are less crowded and offer great summer pricing and entertainment. If you are here all summer don't forget to take advantage of the air conditioning and deals in our movie theaters, museums and local shops. Please share your favorite summer things with P.E.P. Talk and we can include them in our next newsletter.
Please email Erin Rosillo at erin.rosillo@skyvalleyresorts.com to be added to the electronic distribution of P.E.P. Talk or with any calendar updates. If you are receiving this newsletter you are on our distribution list.